Tight Budget? Perhaps Brad Can Help…


Never Have Another Mortgage Payment Again … Watch To Find Out How

Brad Emond’s Guest Appearance on WMBF News with Halley Murrow

If you or your spouse are 62 years-old or older, you can purchase a home for 50-60% of the purchase price.

Sound too good to be true? Watch this video to see if you can qualify.

“I was working with clients who were looking at homes, and they could not find the home they wanted that was in their budget. I realized that the HECM was the potential solution at their fingertips. As I shared this option with them, their eyes lit up and they were intrigued that such a product existed. They were excited that they could actually purchase their dream home! I immediately set up an appointment with Larry Reed, Mutual of Omaha HECM Specialist, to explain the HECM program with them further, and as it is said, the rest is history. My clients couldn’t be happier in their new home.”

~ Brad Emond, Real Estate Professional


Four Key Benefits of Purchasing Your Next Home with a HECm

Still unsure? Book a no-obligation chat with Brad to find out more.

1. Never be required to make monthly loan payments for as long as you live in your new home.
2. Increase your purchasing power to buy the home that best meets your needs.
3. Keep additional cash assets in reserve to maintain a more comfortable retirement.
4. Increased monthly cash flow. Since monthly mortgage payments are not required, you are able to minimize the impact on your monthly obligations.